Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Flu

We had our first experience with the stomach flu today. It was miserable. But there are a few things I am grateful for:

#1. Brooklyn said she wasn't hungry last night, so all she ate was oranges. This morning she drank a glass of apple juice before the vomiting began. This made the clean-up not too bad. (Sorry if that was TMI, but man I was really grateful!)

#2. Brooke quickly understood the concept of making it in the pot.

#3 Pull-ups that caught the accident she had today.

#4. Disney channel. Timmy time, Mickey Mouse Club House, Agent Oso, even you Handy Manny- I love you all

#5. The 3 different flavors of Gatorade we had in the house. The Dr. said to giver her a teaspoon of Gatorade/water mixture every 5 minutes. When she kept that down for 4 hours I could give her 2 teaspoons at a time. (She finally made it to 4 hours at 5pm today) I put the Gatorade/Water in different color mugs and every 5 minutes I asked Brooke what color she wanted. Poor thing was so thirsty today!

#6. Lily who was an absolute doll and played very well while I held Brooklyn. Poor little Lil has a runny nose and is teething her molars so life can't be pleasant for her. But she really was wonderful today.

#7. Both my babies were in bed at 7pm. Here's hoping they sleep peacefully and through the night.